
Goal of this package is to provide an easy to use API for event-based evaluations in activity recognition problems.

As pointed out by [WLG11], standard precision and recall values aren’t sufficient to describe the nature of the errors in a dataset. Therefore the authors introduced new categories, metrics and visualisations for event-based evaluations.

The package implements the methods proposed by [WLG11] beside the typical precision and recall calculations. We provide also useful functions to interface with other modules of your activity recognition workflow and visualisation tools in the package.


Easiest way is to install it with pip (command line):

pip install ward-metrics

To update to the latest version you can call (command line):

pip install ward-metrics --upgrade

To import the package in the project your can simply write:

import wardmetrics

The package is currently only tested with python 3 (>=3.3).

For adapting the package to your needs, checkout the our Github repository.


[WLG11](1, 2) Jamie A Ward, Paul Lukowicz, and Hans W Gellersen. Performance metrics for activity recognition. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), 2(1):6, 2011.