Source code for wardmetrics.core_methods

def merge_events_if_necessary(events):
    index_to_remove = []

    for index in range(1, len(events)):
        if events[index - 1][1] == events[index][0]:
            events[index - 1] = (events[index-1][0], events[index][1])


    for index in index_to_remove:
        del events[index]

    return events

def is_segment_in_interval(segment_start, segment_end, interval_start, interval_end):
    if interval_start <= segment_start and segment_end <= interval_end:
        return True
    return False

def get_standard_category_for_segment(segment_start, segment_end, ground_truth, detected_events):
    Return standard category for a single segment
    :param segment_start:
    :param segment_end:
    :param ground_truth:
    :param detected_events:
    :return: "TP", "FP", "FN", "TN"
    is_part_of_ground_truth = False
    is_part_of_detection = False

    for gt in ground_truth:
        if is_segment_in_interval(segment_start, segment_end, gt[0], gt[1]):
            is_part_of_ground_truth = True

    for det in detected_events:
        if is_segment_in_interval(segment_start, segment_end, det[0], det[1]):
            is_part_of_detection = True

    # decide which category
    if is_part_of_ground_truth:
        if is_part_of_detection:
            category = "TP"
            category = "FN"
        if is_part_of_detection:
            category = "FP"
            category = "TN"

    return category, is_part_of_ground_truth, is_part_of_detection

def get_segments_with_standard_error_categories(ground_truth_events, detected_events, evaluation_start=None, evaluation_end=None):
    segments = []

    gt_index = 0
    det_index = 0
    last_segment = None

    # TODO: handle events with zero length

    while True:
        if gt_index >= len(ground_truth_events):
            if det_index >= len(detected_events):
                if evaluation_end is not None:
                    category, is_gt, is_det = get_standard_category_for_segment(last_segment[1], evaluation_end, ground_truth_events, detected_events)
                    if is_gt:
                        gt_i = gt_index
                        gt_i = -1
                    if is_det:
                        det_i = det_index
                        det_i = -1
                    last_segment = (last_segment[1], evaluation_end, gt_i, det_i, category)
            gt_index = len(ground_truth_events) - 1
        elif det_index >= len(detected_events):
            det_index = len(detected_events) - 1

        gt_start = ground_truth_events[gt_index][0]
        gt_end = ground_truth_events[gt_index][1]
        d_start = detected_events[det_index][0]
        d_end = detected_events[det_index][1]

        if last_segment is not None:
            seg_start = last_segment[1]

            values_to_consider = []
            if gt_start > seg_start:
            if d_start > seg_start:
            if d_end > seg_start:
            if gt_end > seg_start:
            seg_end = min(values_to_consider)

            category, is_gt, is_det = get_standard_category_for_segment(seg_start, seg_end, ground_truth_events, detected_events)
            if is_gt:
                gt_i = gt_index
                gt_i = -1
            if is_det:
                det_i = det_index
                det_i = -1

            last_segment = (seg_start, seg_end, gt_i, det_i, category)
            # Create first segment:
            if evaluation_start is None:
                seg_start = min(gt_start, d_start)
                seg_end = min(max(gt_start, d_start), min(gt_end, d_end))
                seg_start = evaluation_start
                seg_end = min(gt_start, d_start)

            category, is_gt, is_det = get_standard_category_for_segment(seg_start, seg_end, ground_truth_events,
            if is_gt:
                gt_i = gt_index
                gt_i = -1
            if is_det:
                det_i = det_index
                det_i = -1
            last_segment = (seg_start, seg_end, gt_i, det_i, category)

        if seg_end >= d_end:
            det_index += 1
        if seg_end >= gt_end:
            gt_index += 1

    index_to_remove = []
    for index, segment in enumerate(segments):
        if segment[1] - segment[0] <= 0:

    for index in index_to_remove:
        del segments[index]

    return segments

def score_segment(previous_segment, current_segment, next_segment):
    Computing scores for current segment based on it's surroundings
    :param previous_segment: segment tuple for previous segment defined as (start, end, gt_event_index, det_event_index, standard_score) or None
    :param current_segment: segment tuple for current segment defined as (start, end, gt_event_index, det_event_index, standard_score)
    :param next_segment: segment tuple for next segment defined as (start, end, gt_event_index, det_event_index, standard_score) or None
    :return: return one of the following categories: 'TP' - true positive, 'TN' - true negative,
    'I' - insertion, 'M' - merge, 'D' - deletion, 'F' - fragmenting,
    'Os' - start overfill, 'Oe' - end overfill, 'Us' - start underfill, 'Ue' - end underfill,
    or 'no score' for errors
    if current_segment is None:
        raise ValueError("current_segment must not be None.")
    index_of_standard_category = 4
    current_segment_score = "no score"

    if current_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP":
        current_segment_score = "TP"
    elif current_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN":
        current_segment_score = "TN"
        # Handle error categories:
        if previous_segment is not None and next_segment is not None:
            # normal case (in the middle):
            if current_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FP":
                if (previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN" or previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FN") and \
                        (next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN" or next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FN"):
                    current_segment_score = "I"
                elif previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP" and next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP":
                    current_segment_score = "M"
                elif (previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN" or previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FN") and \
                                next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP":
                    current_segment_score = "Os"
                elif previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP" and (
                        next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN" or next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FN"):
                    current_segment_score = "Oe"
            elif current_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FN":
                if (previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN" or previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FP") and (
                        next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN" or next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FP"):
                    current_segment_score = "D"
                elif previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP" and next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP":
                    current_segment_score = "F"
                elif (previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN" or previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FP") and \
                                next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP":
                    current_segment_score = "Us"
                elif previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP" and (
                        next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN" or next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FP"):
                    current_segment_score = "Ue"
        elif previous_segment is None and next_segment is not None:
            # start case (for the first segment):
            if current_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FP":
                if next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN" or next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FN":
                    current_segment_score = "I"
                elif next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP":
                    current_segment_score = "Os"
            elif current_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FN":
                if next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN" or next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FP":
                    current_segment_score = "D"
                elif next_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP":
                    current_segment_score = "Us"

        elif previous_segment is not None and next_segment is None:
            # end case (for the last segment):
            if current_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FP":
                if previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN" or previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FN":
                    current_segment_score = "I"
                elif previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP":
                    current_segment_score = "Oe"
            elif current_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FN":
                if previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TN" or previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FP":
                    current_segment_score = "D"
                elif previous_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "TP":
                    current_segment_score = "Ue"

        elif previous_segment is None and next_segment is None:
            # if only one segment is given (exceptional case):
            if current_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FP":
                current_segment_score = "I"
            elif current_segment[index_of_standard_category] == "FN":
                current_segment_score = "D"

    return current_segment_score

def compute_detailed_segment_scores(segments):
    new_segments = []

    # Handle special case if only one segment exists:
    if len(segments) == 1:
        seg_score = score_segment(None, segments[0], None)
        n_seg = segments[0] + (seg_score,)  # Create new tuple (append to the end)
        return new_segments

    # handle first segment:
    seg_score = score_segment(None, segments[0], segments[1])
    n_seg = segments[0] + (seg_score,) # Create new tuple (append to the end)

    # Handle segments in the middle:
    for i in range(1, len(segments) - 1):
        seg_score = score_segment(segments[i-1], segments[i], segments[i+1])
        n_seg = segments[i] + (seg_score,)  # Create new tuple (append to the end)

    # handle last segment:
    seg_score = score_segment(segments[-2], segments[-1], None)
    n_seg = segments[-1] + (seg_score,)  # Create new tuple (append to the end)

    return new_segments

def count_segment_scores(segments):
    categories = ["TP", "TN", "I", "D", "F", "M", "Os", "Oe", "Us", "Ue"]
    results = {}

    # Init values:
    for c in categories:
        results[c] = 0

    # Calculate total segment length for each category
    for s in segments:
        results[s[5]] += s[1] - s[0]

    # Calculate normed values:
    eval_length = segments[-1][1] - segments[0][0]
    results_normed = {}
    for c in categories:
        results_normed[c] = results[c]/eval_length

    return results, results_normed

def twoset_metrics(segment_counts):
    P = segment_counts["D"] + segment_counts["F"] + segment_counts["Us"] + segment_counts["Ue"] + segment_counts["TP"]
    N = segment_counts["I"] + segment_counts["M"] + segment_counts["Os"] + segment_counts["Oe"] + segment_counts["TN"]

    dr = segment_counts["D"]/P
    fr = segment_counts["F"]/P
    us = segment_counts["Us"] / P
    ue = segment_counts["Ue"] / P
    tpr = 1 - (dr + fr + us + ue)

    ir = segment_counts["I"]/N
    mr = segment_counts["M"] / N
    o_s = segment_counts["Os"] / N
    oe = segment_counts["Oe"] / N
    fpr = ir + mr + o_s + oe

    results = {"dr": dr, "fr": fr, "us": us, "ue": ue, "tpr": tpr,
               "ir": ir, "mr": mr, "os": o_s, "oe": oe, "fpr": fpr }
    return results

def _get_ground_truth_event_index_list(segments):
    index_list = []
    for s in segments:
        if s[2] not in index_list and s[2] != -1:
    return index_list

def _get_detected_event_index_list(segments):
    index_list = []
    for s in segments:
        if s[3] not in index_list and s[3] != -1:
    return index_list

def _get_segments_for_ground_truth_event(segments, event_index):
    return [s for s in segments if s[2] == event_index]

def _get_segments_for_detected_event(segments, event_index):
    return [s for s in segments if s[3] == event_index]

def _score_ground_truth_event(segments_for_event):
    # get segment score values as a list:
    segment_scores = []
    for s in segments_for_event:

    # get event's score:
    current_event_score = ""
    if segment_scores.count("TP") == 1:
        current_event_score += "C"
    elif len(segment_scores) == 1 and segment_scores.count("D") == 1:
        current_event_score += "D"

    if segment_scores.count("F") > 0:
        current_event_score += "F"

    return current_event_score

def _score_detected_event(segments_for_event):
    # get segment score values as a list:
    segment_scores = []
    for s in segments_for_event:

    # get event's score:
    current_event_score = ""
    if segment_scores.count("TP") == 1:
        current_event_score += "C"
    elif len(segment_scores) == 1 and segment_scores.count("I") == 1:
        current_event_score += "I'"

    if segment_scores.count("M") > 0:
        current_event_score += "M'"

    return current_event_score

def _have_overlapping_segments(segments_1, segments_2):
    overlap = False
    for s in segments_1:
        if s in segments_2:
            overlap = True
    return overlap

def compute_event_scores(segments):
    # Get list of events indexes:
    detected_indexes = _get_detected_event_index_list(segments)
    ground_truth_indexes = _get_ground_truth_event_index_list(segments)

    # get score for each gt event:
    gt_event_scores = []
    for i in ground_truth_indexes:
        current_segments = _get_segments_for_ground_truth_event(segments, i)
        e_score = _score_ground_truth_event(current_segments)

    # get score for each detection event
    det_event_scores = []
    for i in detected_indexes:
        current_segments = _get_segments_for_detected_event(segments, i)
        e_score = _score_detected_event(current_segments)

    # cross check event scores for merging and fragmented results:
    for i in ground_truth_indexes:
        for j in detected_indexes:
            segments_gt = _get_segments_for_ground_truth_event(segments, i)
            segments_det = _get_segments_for_detected_event(segments, j)
            if _have_overlapping_segments(segments_gt, segments_det):
                # change ground truth event score if needed:
                if det_event_scores[j] == "M'" or det_event_scores[j] == "M'F'":
                    gt_event_scores[i] += "M"

                # change detected event score if needed:
                if gt_event_scores[i] == "F" or gt_event_scores[i] == "FM":
                    det_event_scores[j] += "F'"

    # clean up event score labels:
    for i in range(len(gt_event_scores)):
        if "F" in gt_event_scores[i] and "M" in gt_event_scores[i]:
            gt_event_scores[i] = "FM"
        elif "C" in gt_event_scores[i] and "M" in gt_event_scores[i]:
            gt_event_scores[i] = "M"
    for i in range(len(det_event_scores)):
        if "F" in det_event_scores[i] and "M" in det_event_scores[i]:
            det_event_scores[i] = "FM'"
        if "C" in det_event_scores[i] and "F" in det_event_scores[i]:
            det_event_scores[i] = "F'"

    return gt_event_scores, det_event_scores

def _count_event_scores(gt_event_scores, detection_scores):
    results = {
        "total_gt": len(gt_event_scores),
        "total_det": len(detection_scores),
        "D": gt_event_scores.count("D"),
        "F": gt_event_scores.count("F"),
        "FM": gt_event_scores.count("FM"),
        "M": gt_event_scores.count("M"),
        "C": gt_event_scores.count("C"),
        "M'": detection_scores.count("M'"),
        "FM'": detection_scores.count("FM'"),
        "F'": detection_scores.count("F'"),
        "I'": detection_scores.count("I'")
    return results

def _get_detailed_event_metrics(segments):
    gt_event_scores, det_event_scores = compute_event_scores(segments)
    detailed_event_metrics = _count_event_scores(gt_event_scores, det_event_scores)
    return gt_event_scores, det_event_scores, detailed_event_metrics

def _get_standard_event_metrics(ground_truth_events, detected_events, gt_event_scores, detected_event_scores):
    # Compute recall:
    tp_gt = 0
    tp_gt_w = 0
    fn_gt = 0
    fn_gt_w = 0
    for i in range(len(ground_truth_events)):
        if gt_event_scores[i] == 'D':
            fn_gt += 1
            fn_gt_w += ground_truth_events[i][1] - ground_truth_events[i][0]
            tp_gt += 1
            tp_gt_w += ground_truth_events[i][1] - ground_truth_events[i][0]

    recall = tp_gt / (tp_gt + fn_gt)
    recall_w = tp_gt_w / (tp_gt_w + fn_gt_w)

    # Compute precision:
    tp_det = 0
    tp_det_w = 0
    fp_det = 0
    fp_det_w = 0
    for i in range(len(detected_events)):
        if detected_event_scores[i] == "I'":
            fp_det += 1
            fp_det_w += detected_events[i][1] - detected_events[i][0]
            tp_det += 1
            tp_det_w += detected_events[i][1] - detected_events[i][0]

    precision =  tp_det / (tp_det + fp_det)
    precision_w =  tp_det_w / (tp_det_w + fp_det_w)

    standard_metrics = {
        "precision": precision,
        "recall": recall,
        "precision (weighted)": precision_w,
        "recall (weighted)": recall_w
    return standard_metrics

[docs]def eval_segments(ground_truth_events, detected_events, evaluation_start=None, evaluation_end=None): """ Segment-based evaluation (frame - length based) Computes and scores segments and returns the occurrences of each error type in the overall dataset segments Args ---- ground_truth_events: list of tuples (start, end) or lists [start, end] numeric values (e.g. frame number or posix timestamp) for ground truth events' start and end times detected_events: list of tuples (start, end) or lists [start, end] numeric values (e.g. frame number or posix timestamp) for detected events' start and end times evaluation_start: numeric value or None This should be the first segment's start value. None indicates that start of the first event should be used. evaluation_end: numeric value or None This should be the first segment's start value. None indicates that start of the first event should be used. Returns ------- twoset_results: dictionary result for the 2SET metrics as a dictonary segments_with_detailed_categories: list of tuples list of detected segments including standard and detailed score categories segment_counts: dictionary frame counts/length of segments for each category normed_segment_counts: dictionary same as before but normed """ if len(ground_truth_events) <= 0 or len(detected_events) <= 0: raise AttributeError("Insufficient data. List of ground truth or detected events is empty - calculation not possible.") ground_truth_events = merge_events_if_necessary(ground_truth_events) detected_events = merge_events_if_necessary(detected_events) segments_with_category = get_segments_with_standard_error_categories(ground_truth_events, detected_events, evaluation_start, evaluation_end) segments_with_detailed_categories = compute_detailed_segment_scores(segments_with_category) segment_counts, normed_segment_counts = count_segment_scores(segments_with_detailed_categories) twoset_results = twoset_metrics(segment_counts) return twoset_results, segments_with_detailed_categories, segment_counts, normed_segment_counts
[docs]def eval_events(ground_truth_events, detected_events, evaluation_start=None, evaluation_end=None): """ Event-based evaluation Assigns scores to each ground truth and detection event and calculates statistics Args ---- ground_truth_events: list of tuples (start, end) or lists [start, end] numeric values (e.g. frame number or posix timestamp) for ground truth events' start and end times detected_events: list of tuples (start, end) or lists [start, end] numeric values (e.g. frame number or posix timestamp) for detected events' start and end times evaluation_start: numeric value or None This should be the first segment's start value. None indicates that start of the first event should be used. evaluation_end: numeric value or None This should be the first segment's start value. None indicates that start of the first event should be used. Returns ------- gt_scores: list score label for each ground truth event detection_scores: list score label for each detected event detailed_score_statistics: dictionary containing total number of events for each score category standard_score_statistics: dictionary precision and recall values (normal and weighted with event length) based on standard event scores (TP, FP, TN, FN) """ if len(ground_truth_events) <= 0 or len(detected_events) <= 0: raise AttributeError("Insufficient data. List of ground truth or detected events is empty - calculation not possible.") ground_truth_events = merge_events_if_necessary(ground_truth_events) detected_events = merge_events_if_necessary(detected_events) segments_with_category = get_segments_with_standard_error_categories(ground_truth_events, detected_events, evaluation_start, evaluation_end) segments_with_detailed_categories = compute_detailed_segment_scores(segments_with_category) gt_scores, detection_scores, detailed_score_statistics = _get_detailed_event_metrics(segments_with_detailed_categories) standard_score_statistics = _get_standard_event_metrics(ground_truth_events, detected_events, gt_scores, detection_scores) return gt_scores, detection_scores, detailed_score_statistics, standard_score_statistics